The World Uses a Variety of Different Energy Sources

The world has a myriad of energy sources. In 2018, fossil fuels, such as oil, gas and coal, comprised more than 81 percent of energy consumed. Renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for 14 percent. Nuclear energy contributes another 5 percent. Different countries have different types of energy sources, in order to balance the environmental aspects with economics.

Nature provides energy in many forms like sun, wind waves, and ocean. These sources of energy can be transformed into more practical forms of energy, like electricity or heat, when they are harnessed. These energy sources become non-renewable sources of energy when they are exhausted.

The environment is harmed by many fossil fuels, in addition to other energy sources that aren’t renewable. Oil mining, for example, can destroy the forests of the earth. Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) can result in earthquakes and water pollution. Carbon dioxide is released when coal is burnt which contributes to global warming.

Fortunately that many of the most promising sources of energy are renewable and sustainable. Hydropower, wind and solar for instance, are able to produce electricity without the need to dig for new supplies.

Other renewable energy sources are gaining momentum, such as the wave and tidal power. But, in order to be utilized on a massive scale, these technologies must have efficient distribution networks. This requires the use of non-renewable energy sources to construct these networks. These sources aren’t able to meet the majority of our energy requirements. It’s vital to remember that the prices of renewable energy equipment have decreased dramatically in recent times and the efficiency is rising.

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Kowart Mikołaj Suchodolski
ul. Fabryczna 6, 11-040 Dobre Miasto

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Kowart Mikołaj Suchodolski ul. Fabryczna 6, 11-040 Dobre Miasto tel. +48 896163105, kom +48 605829685 kom +48 505240999
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